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Valkyrie Guild Members
Name Level Job CTB Quest Counter
Roki 83 Ascetic 50 3935
MiDo 82 God Of Sword 49 3927
TEM 83 God Of Sword 49 3859
Aico 80 Imperial General 49 3844
L 78 Imperial General 50 3821
Senitzu 81 God Of Sword 49 3706
Wolfy 81 God Of Sword 49 3586
MoDa 82 General 49 3579
Valik 82 Military Adviser 49 3522
SilverHaZe 81 God of Bow 49 3407
ciganica 81 Military Adviser 48 3383
Siggie 79 God of Bow 49 3330
TickleMyPickle 80 Ascetic 49 3310
GENIE 80 General 49 3213
notBOLA 80 Military Adviser 49 3164
Kyrena 80 Imperial General 49 3164
DeViNe 80 Imperial General 49 3124
SPIqt 82 God of Bow 49 2914
Shanks 81 General 50 2842
Welsh 81 Imperial General 49 2779
Manny 80 God of Bow 49 2664
Falao 79 God Of Sword 49 2595
Heisenzwerg 76 Ascetic 49 2153
SCARFACE 82 General 49 2118
Ixion 80 God of Bow 49 1843
MysteryClown 80 Unearthly Ghost 49 1607
Angie 77 Military Adviser 48 1316
muchy 80 Unearthly Ghost 49 826
Serne 80 General 49 407
xBrehmer 75 God of Bow 49 376
IcyDragon 75 God of Bow 48 254
Name Level Job CTB Quest Counter