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KinGs Guild Members
Name Level Job CTB Quest Counter
Bea 80 Ascetic 49 3633
Matheo 77 Ascetic 49 3625
Chupacabra 81 Military Adviser 49 3494
Ryszard 81 Ascetic 49 3417
Nyx 76 God Of Sword 49 3136
Smocza 79 Imperial General 49 2956
Radoslav 79 God Of Sword 49 2858
Skrecz 79 Imperial General 49 2792
Zakuty 80 God Of Sword 50 2672
ARMATA 79 General 50 2497
blacha 80 General 48 2362
KsiadzNatanek 80 God Of Sword 49 2233
Meffy 74 Military Adviser 49 2211
YoooDaaaa 77 God Of Sword 50 2207
MrDuszek 78 God of Bow 49 1074
bangs 73 General 42 990
Revvi 74 Ascetic 50 978
Sarnod 76 General 48 908
MyK 76 Unearthly Ghost 47 678
Wyploch 79 God Of Sword 49 651
Dirtysoul 70 God Of Sword 47 241
postac3 71 Ascetic 42 178
Name Level Job CTB Quest Counter